智利狗鱈業申請MSC認證 智利全國漁業公會(SONAPESCA)將狗鱈漁業(Merluccius gayi)提交海洋管理理事會(MSC)進行認證。MSC獨立公正的專家團,將依程序評估該漁業在資源復原情況、對生態系統的衝擊及管理開幕活動品質等表現作出決定。參加MSC認證程序的公司群擁有15艘拖網船。2010年狗鱈總容許捕獲量(TAC)為55,000公噸,其中65%為產業所有,餘35%屬生計漁業。除了8-12月中實施生物禁捕令,全年都是漁季;主要市場為宜蘭民宿歐盟、美國及南美洲;冷凍魚片則是上述市場的最大宗。SONAPESCA經理表示,MSC認證不僅能為狗鱈相關產業帶來龐大的利益,也能證明智利人及漁業相關從事者係負責任地管理該資源與高度重視受到漁業活動衝擊結婚西裝的生態系統。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 17/2010)AIMING FOR MSC LABEL FOR HAKE FISHERYThe National Fisheries Society (SONAPESCA) in Chile has submitted its common hake 售屋網(Merlucciusgayi) for the certification programme of the MSC. According to the MSC procedures, a team ofindependent experts will evaluate the performance of the fishery with regards to the 整合負債recovery of thestock, the impact on the eco-system and the quality of the management. The companies that willparticipate in the evaluation own 15 operative trawling vessels. The TAC 2010 室內裝潢for this species ofhake was set at 55,000 MT, divided in 65% for the industry and 35% for the artisanal sector.Except for a biological ban between August and mid-December, the fishing 宜蘭民宿season covers the entireyear. The main markets are the EU, USA and South America. Frozen fillets are the main tradedproduct in these markets. The manager of SONAPESCA, stated that the MSC 節能燈具certification willgenerate significant benefits for the companies involved in the industrial fishing of hake, showingthat Chileans and other relevant players in the activity responsibly 辦公室出租manage the species and otherelements of the ecosystem affected by the fishing activities.

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